
The latest global consumer trends that we’re tracking across sectors, substantiated by expert opinions and the latest industry statistics.

Future Forecast 2024: Luxury

Micro Trends

Future Forecast 2024: Luxury

The luxury sector has shown remarkable resilience amid economic challenges, and maintained its social and economic prestige, demonstrating impressi...
Luxury : Economy : Legacy
Future Forecast 2024: Travel & Hospitality

Micro Trends

Future Forecast 2024: Travel & Hospitality

2023 was a remarkable year for travel. The post-pandemic ‘revenge travel’ phenomenon shot to new heights as global travellers spent unprecedented a...
Travel : Hospitality : Luxury
Future Forecast 2024: Pop Culture & Media

Micro Trends

Future Forecast 2024: Pop Culture & Media

A saturated media environment has left consumers tired of old news formats. Instead, they want new forms of stimulation and entertainment that can ...
Media : Pop Culture : Entertainment
Future Forecast 2024: Retail

Micro Trends

Future Forecast 2024: Retail

Retail is settling into a post-Covid landscape in which consumers frequently welcome brands into their homes, exploring products, consuming content...
Retail : Luxury : Fashion
Future Forecast 2024: Health & Wellness

Micro Trends

Future Forecast 2024: Health & Wellness

The sector will benefit from accelerating innovations in sleep enhancement, nutrition and wellbeing in the hope of achieving longer and healthier l...
Health : Wellness : Future Forecast
Future Forecast 2024: Fashion

Micro Trends

Future Forecast 2024: Fashion

Consumer demand for a sustainable fashion industry is peaking, pushing companies to find innovations in technology, garment care and more.
Fashion : Future Forecast : Reports
Future Forecast 2024: Design

Micro Trends

Future Forecast 2024: Design

From elastic agencies responding to changing B2B requirements to designers creating adaptable furniture suited to our post-pandemic lifestyles, des...
Design : Architecture : Branding
Future Forecast 2024: Beauty

Micro Trends

Future Forecast 2024: Beauty

Trends in the beauty sector are being turbocharged by TikTok, creating a large pool of consumers for whom the line between their real and filtered ...
Beauty : Future Forecast : Reports
Future Forecast 2024: Technology

Micro Trends

Future Forecast 2024: Technology

Rapid advances in technology are creating a new pool of consumers who are happy to leave the social, economic and political crises of the real worl...
Technology : Health & Wellness : Society
The Great Wealth Transfer

Macro Trends

The Great Wealth Transfer

Wealth ownership, distribution and the politics that influence cross-generational spending are all in flux, according to the latest findings of The...
Luxury : Gen Z : HNWI
Future Five: Mobility

Micro Trends

Future Five: Mobility

As part of our Future Five 2024 report, we explore three key trends developing in the Mobility sector.
Mobility : Automotive : Technology
Future Five: Identities

Micro Trends

Future Five: Identities

As part of our Future Five 2024 report, we explore the shifts in identity that are all-important in understanding the consumer of tomorrow.
Identities : Future Five : Topics
Future Five: Home & Family

Micro Trends

Future Five: Home & Family

As part of our Future Five 2024 report, we explore the rising challenges and opportunities in relation to our family and home lives.
Future Five : Home & Family : Topics
Future Five: Sustainability

Micro Trends

Future Five: Sustainability

As part of our Future Five 2024 report, we explore three directions brands and business should heed as we strive for a more sustainable future.
Sustainability : Technology : Fashion
Future Five: Artificial Intelligence

Micro Trends

Future Five: Artificial Intelligence

As part of our Future Five 2024 report, we explore the impact of AI on the year ahead.
Technology : AI : Design
Gen Z Activism

Micro Trends

Gen Z Activism

As polarisation deepens in the US, Gen Z are using their voice online, and in office, to create change.
Society : Youth : US
Hype Bakes

Micro Trends

Hype Bakes

From exclusive drops to A-lister endorsements and cult social media followings, bakeries have entered their hype bake era.
Food : Fashion : Hypebakes
Cultured Waste

Micro Trends

Cultured Waste

As consumers tire of separating authentic sustainability claims from greenwashing, designers are using culture and heritage to cut through the noise.
Design : Sustainability : Culture
Home States Futures: Residential Retail

Macro Trends

Home States Futures: Residential Retail

With hybrid working becoming the new normal, global retail footfall in decline and the loss of third spaces, the home is shifting from a fundamenta...
Retail : Home : Technology
TikTok Travel Agents

Micro Trends

TikTok Travel Agents

Digital collectives are tapping into algorithms to create a new iteration of hyper-relatable ‘travel agents’ for the influencer era.
Travel : Media : Hospitality
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