London – At our Womenomics Network Evening at The Future Laboratory HQ last week, LS:N Global editor Lucie Greene interviewed Amanda Carr and Jane Kellock, co-founders of The Women’s Room blog.
Launched in 2008, The Women’s Room blog is an online journal by women for women. Carr and Kellock shared their insights on the ThirtyfiveUps market and what older women want.
‘Just as there are lots of different tribes and niche groups in the 20s–30s market, the over-40s market is not one big group,’ said Carr. ‘There are a lot of different demographics in that group, a lot of different taste levels, likes and dislikes. Boomer women are a hugely valuable market, and brands are not monetising them effectively.’
Watch the above video for more on what it means to be a ThirtyfiveUp woman in the 21st century. Check our Seed section for more insights from experts who attended the Network Evening.